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Jason Mraz Shares Divorce Experience That Helped Him Embrace His Bisexual Identity


Jason Maez: Music, Identity, and the Journey of Reconciliation


*Photo courtesy of Daniel Knighton/Getty Images

Jason Mayez's journey out of the closet has been one of challenge and self-discovery. His divorce from his ex-wife, Christina Carano, forced him to confront his sexuality and learn to accept himself as a bisexual man. Mayez admits that the experience was filled with emotional lows, but it was also an important step on his journey to self-acceptance.

"I had to simulate a lot of other scenarios before I got here." It was very difficult," Mayez said of his divorce and coming out process.

Mayez, who publicly admitted to being bisexual for the first time in 2018, said it was Carano who helped him understand and accept his gender identity. "She called it "double spirit," which is Native American for someone who can love both a man and a woman." Mayez recalled in an interview.

In addition to talking about his personal life, Mayez also shared his thoughts on the music industry, specifically his appreciation for Taylor Swift as an ally to the LGBTQ community. He recalled working with Swift on her Speak Now World Tour in 2011 and praised her for using music as a tool for inclusion and acceptance.

"It's beautiful," Mayez said of Swift's alliance. "If you want your music to be popular, you want it to be heard by everybody. So you represent everybody's ears, and you should embrace everybody's ears."

Jason Maez's story is one of courage, self-discovery and reconciliation. Not only has he left his mark on music, but he has also demonstrated his versatility in his personal growth and contributions to society. Through his experiences, Mayez reminds us how important it is to accept who we really are and use our voices to speak out for love.

Check out Jason Mraz's full interview with GLAAD to learn more about his story and his thoughts on the music industry.

[Watch the interview](https://youtu.be/2tQX4ZZrXNA)

Five Hair Colors a Year Challenge: Exploring Gay Men's Preferences - The Results Were Surprising, But The Process Was Fun!


On a busy London street corner, a young tribesman catches the attention of passersby with his bold new hair color - Acid Green. This fashion forward young man not only catches the eye with his unique style, but also with his fearless attitude towards self-expression, making him the brightest spot on the street.


In the past, this tribesman has tried a variety of hair colors, from home bleached to brunette gothic to naturally dull brown, and he's never stopped searching for the one color that truly represents him. It wasn't until one day, in front of a mirror in an elevator, that he realized how fragile and finite each of his hairs were, prompting him to decide that while he still had hair, he wanted it to be there in the most dazzling way possible.

So he went to the famous Kitch Salon in the Angel area of London, a barbershop known for its celebrity clientele, gender-neutral pricing and 1950s-inspired décor. Here, he underwent a dramatic transformation from blonde to gray, to pink, blue and finally to acid green. Each color change not only altered his appearance, but also profoundly affected his understanding and acceptance of his identity.

From his blonde days when he received an unexpected marriage proposal on the Tube, to his gray hair that set him apart from the rest on the streets of East London, each color brought with it a different social experience and self-discovery. Pink hair was not a success in the dating scene, but it was his personal favorite color, while blue hair was an unexpected hit with his friends.

Eventually, when he walked down the street with green hair, he not only received compliments from passers-by, but more importantly, he saw the innocent smile of a little boy because of his hair. This made him realize that changing hair color is not only a playful way of looking good, but also an expression of inner youth, freedom and unrestrictedness.

Five months later, he returned to his natural brown color, but this time, he shook his anchovy-colored hair, proving that even back at the starting point, he was no longer his original self. The color changes along the way are not only an exploration of the external image, but also a profound journey into the inner self.

To learn more about Kitch Hair, visit the official website.

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#### 以下是更多亮點:

– **Netflix 很拖累…早午餐**:與 Alyssa Edwards、Jimbo、Latrice Royale 和其他人一起於 5 月 5 日下午 1 點在 Hollywood Palladium Outside Joke 舉行。期待一個充滿變裝、喜劇和音樂的下午。
– **Netflix 是一場變裝早午餐,由 Trixie Mattel 主持**:5 月 12 日下午 1 點以 Scarlett BoBo 和 Meatball 為特色,也在 Outside Joke 上播出。對於喜歡神話和搞笑的粉絲來說,這是必須的。

#### 酷兒喜劇之夜

– **曹瑪格麗特和朋友們**:5 月 4 日晚上 8 點,在 Coronet 的 Largo 與喜劇偶像 Margaret Cho 共度一個夜晚。
– **Monet X Change 和變裝女王 Bob 現場直播兄弟對抗**:5 月 6 日晚上 9:45 在 The Belasco 觀看這對充滿活力的二人組。

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更多故事,請關注我們,與 Netflix 一起,讓生活充滿笑聲是一場笑話盛宴!



At a birthday party filled with laughter and celebration, I hit a turning point. Someone I had just met said to me, "You should know better." This statement is etched in my memory as if it were frozen in time. Our conversation changed from casual chit-chat to an exploration of my sexuality, and when I mentioned that I had a girlfriend, he gave me a surprised look.




A few weeks later, I published my first article about living as a bisexual and the challenges we face. After the article was published, I received invitations from editors all over the country to write more articles on bisexual issues. I wrote "10 Problems Bisexuals Are Tired of Hearing About," an article that reveals the prejudices and misconceptions faced by bisexuals and responds to these ignorances with humor.

Over time, I've been able to dispel stereotypes about the bisexual experience through articles and interviews. My inbox is full of letters from readers all over the world, some of them thankful, some challenging, but most of them looking for help.

This prompted me to create an advice column called "Ask Dad" where I share letters from readers and give my answers. This column has not only helped those who have reached out to me directly, but it has also provided support for those who have not yet found the courage to reach out.

Over the past three years, I have answered as many letters as I could from people seeking advice on everything from how to come out of the closet to how to deal with a partner's bisexuality. It has been a great honor to be a source of support for these people.

I hope that through my efforts, I have contributed to creating a more inclusive and understanding world for bisexuals. I dream of a world where every bisexual person is able to express themselves freely, unencumbered by prejudice and misunderstanding. Whether you express yourself through music, art, or debate, I hope that everyone finds their own way to contribute to changing the world's perception of bisexuals.

One of the most important lessons I've learned on this journey is that when you're brave enough to come forward and tell your story in your own voice, you can not only help yourself grow, but you can also inspire those around you. You may be a scared bisexual in a bar, but if you can play to your strengths, remember what motivates you, and care about your community, something big could happen.

I'm Lewis Oakley, a bisexual columnist, father and author living in the UK. My new book Bisexual Basics: a Q&A guide to coming out, dating, parenting and beyond is coming out this May. Feel free to follow me on social media @lewyoaks for more information.

If you also have an inspiring personal story to share or would like to share an opinion on an issue, visit proride.com/submit for more information.



In the midst of New York City's hectic life, 29-year-old Kevin Barry Moedt's journey to find love seems like a challenging path. A self-professed hopeless romantic, Moedt's wishes are not complicated-he just wants to find a good man to spend his life with and have fun putting together Legos on quiet nights.




ManMate's professional name is 'Nick Bradford', who began working with the company in 2015, highlighting the need for deeper connections.ManMate's approach is personalized, with everything from height and weight to the income range of an ideal partner. detailed questionnaires, and while it's not an inexpensive service, it offers a more personalized and in-depth approach to matchmaking.

Bradford says their client base covers a wide range of ages, mainly gay men and lesbians in white-collar jobs, and ManMate offers a service that includes guaranteed introductions and one year's access to the database, meaning clients have the opportunity to find a suitable partner even if their initial match is unsuccessful.

For clients like Mort, ManMate is more than just a way to find a partner, it's a learning and growing process. He says that through ManMate, he not only met great people, but also learned how to date better. Mott's story is an exploration of finding love and connection in modern society, and a testament to personal growth and self-discovery.

室內設計名師Ben Irurzun聯手艾倫卡爾 (Alan Carr) 共同攝影展示

室內設計大師 Ben Irurzun 談露營和與艾倫·卡爾的友誼

In today's interior design world, there is one star with a big name - Ben Irurzun. He is not only known for his unique design style, but also for his outstanding performance in the fifth season of the hit BBC program "Interior Designer". Recently, Ben Irurzun sat down with PinkNews to talk about everything from camping to his friendship with Alan Carr.





唯一的公開同性戀男子大學籃球教練擁有勝利紀錄 – Outsports


For the University of South Carolina Salkehatchie men's basketball team and its head coach Matt Lynch, this season has been nothing short of a breakthrough. Lynch has led the team to significant success in his first season, including back-to-back victories against Caldwell Tech, ranked 18th in the nation by Division I junior colleges, and an 81-54 win on Friday to secure a spot as the No. 7 seed in the Region 10 playoffs, which begin March 14th.






Bette Midler Voices 'Stupidity' and 'Odorlessness' in Trump-Themed Fragrance Ads


Bette Midler: From Satirizing Trump to Sparking Controversy

貝蒂·米德勒,這位演員兼歌手在2017年托尼獎頒獎典禮上,身著Michael Kors系列亮相,展現了她無與倫比的風采。然而,米德勒不僅以其在舞台上的表現而聞名,她在政治和社會議題上的發言也同樣引人注目。

In recent years, the feud between Midler and Donald Trump has become a media sensation. She created a satirical ad mocking Trump's themed perfume through a partnership with the news site, Touched by Midas. In the ad, Midler mocked in song, "You smell like a diet king." Not only is this a satire on Trump's image, but it also reflects Midler's dissatisfaction with the current political climate.

However, some of Midler's comments have also sparked controversy; in 2019, she tweeted an emoji quoting Trump's false statement, then apologized after the statement was proven false. Trump responded by calling Midler a "brainwashed lunatic" and a "pathological liar," and the social media feud drew widespread public attention.

Even more concerning, in 2022, Midler made an anti-transgender statement on social media, claiming that recognizing the humanity of transgender people would "erase" women. This statement sparked a huge controversy, with many criticizing her for her narrow viewpoint and pointing out the harm it could cause to the transgender community. Midler was a staunch supporter of gay rights, even performing in gay bathrooms in the early 1970s, so her stance disappointed many of her supporters.

Bette Midler's career has been filled with brilliant accomplishments, but her speeches on social issues also demonstrate the challenges she faces as a public figure. From satirizing political figures to provoking controversial social views, Midler's statements have sparked public dialogue and reflect how easily public figures' statements can become the focus of controversy in today's society.



At a birthday party filled with laughter and celebration, I encountered a moment that would change the course of my life forever. "You know better than that," a friend I had just met said to me. Those words are etched in my memory as if they were frozen in time.




This conversation not only changed his perspective, but also inspired me. He suggested that I should share my thoughts and experiences to help more people understand the real lives of bisexuals. It was a suggestion I had never considered before, but I decided to take the challenge.

A few weeks later, I published my first article on the experience of living as a bisexual. After the article was published, I received invitations from editors all over the country to write more articles on bisexual issues. I wrote an article about 10 common questions bisexuals hear, responding to these biased queries with humor and honesty.

Over time, I have been breaking down stereotypes of bisexuals through articles and interviews. I have received feedback from bisexuals and supporters from all over the world who have shared their stories and expressed their gratitude to me.

All this experience inspired me to create a column, Ask Dad, where I answer questions from readers on everything from coming out confusion to the challenges of dealing with a bisexual relationship. The column has become a platform to support and inspire those seeking help.

I hope that my experiences and efforts will create a more open and inclusive world for bisexuals. I encourage everyone who is bisexual, no matter what your talent is, to use it to change the world's perception of bisexuals for the better.

One of the most important lessons I've learned on this journey is that when you are brave enough to stand up and speak out with your own voice, you can not only change people's perceptions, but you can also provide strength and hope to those who are still searching for their identity.

Lewis Oakley is a bisexual columnist, father and author living in the UK. His forthcoming book, Bisexual Basics: A Q&A Guide to Coming Out, Dating, Parenting and Beyond, will be released this May. Follow Lewis on social media @lewyoaks and work together to create a better world.

If you have an inspiring story to share or would like to share your opinion on an issue, please visit out.com/submit to learn more. Together, let's change the world with the power of storytelling.

Diplomats and human rights groups condemn Iraqi laws against LGBTQ+ | Iraq


A new law recently passed by the Iraqi parliament has attracted widespread international attention and criticism. The law imposes severe penalties on homosexual and transgender individuals, including 10 to 15 years in prison for same-sex relationships, and one to three years for undergoing or undergoing sex reassignment surgery and "intentional manifestations of femininity". The law also bans any organization that promotes "sexual perversion" with a minimum of seven years in prison and a fine of no less than 10 million dinars (about £6,000).






