Exploring the problem of insufficient awareness of bisexuality in the community


在當今社會,雙性戀者經常面臨著一種被稱為”雙重擦除”的現象,這種現象不僅來自異性戀社群,也來自LGBTQ+社群內部。娜塔莉·施里弗(Natalie Schriefer)在她的文章中提到,對雙性戀者的不斷質疑是雙性戀擦除的後果之一。這種質疑往往源於對雙性戀者身份的誤解和刻板印象。

在2024年的Netflix特輯《Have It All》中,單口喜劇演員泰勒湯姆林森(Taylor Tomlinson)公開了自己的雙性戀身份。她的經歷凸顯了雙性戀者面臨的挑戰,尤其是在公開自己的性取向時,常常需要面對他人的質疑和要求”證明”自己的雙性戀身份。這種經歷不僅令人不安,也反映了社會對雙性戀者的誤解和偏見。


Tomlinson's experience and Schriever's analysis remind us that bisexuals are diverse and rich in their identities, and that they should not be forced to choose a side or justify their sexual orientation. Bisexuals should be allowed to self-identify and not be forced to conform to outside expectations and assumptions about their sexual orientation.

As more and more bisexuals are bravely opening up about their identities, society's awareness and acceptance of bisexuality is gradually increasing. However, more education and dialogues are needed to eliminate prejudice and double erasure against bisexuals. By sharing and discussing the real-life experiences of bisexuals, we can help break down stereotypes and promote a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of bisexual identity.

Everyone has a role to play in this process, whether it is through supporting our bisexual friends or participating in and promoting public discussion on the issue of bisexuality. Only when we learn to accept and respect everyone's sexual diversity can we truly realize an inclusive and equal society.


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