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If I could choose my sexuality, I'd choose to be bisexual any day.


This week marks the 25th annual Bisexuality Day of Recognition, which was originally called "Celebrate Bisexuality Day". For over a quarter of a century, the day's purpose has been to "raise awareness and challenge the elimination of bisexuality". While one week may seem like an ample amount of time to raise awareness of an issue, a recent study showed that 37% people still view bisexuality as a choice, as opposed to homosexuality, a finding that underscores why we still need to work on raising awareness of bisexuality.




While some people may be openly bisexual first before they are openly gay, that doesn't mean that bisexuality is a stopover on the way to gay town. In a society that would rather you not be cool at all, figuring out your coolness can be challenging, and for many people, it can take a while for the many layers of internalized homophobia to dissipate. In addition, identities can change over time.

So why does the understanding of bisexuality lag behind other cool kid identities? Meg-John Barker, a theorist and author of several books on cool kids, suggests that it's because of our cultural obsession with duality. Bisexuality challenges two key dichotomies: "attracted to the opposite sex vs. attracted to the same sex" and "nature vs. choice".

In the dominant culture, things that are "natural" are often seen as more real and fixed than things that are "chosen". In reality, however, these things are not binary. Most aspects of being human, including sexual behavior, are biopsychosocial. This means that they are a complex combination of aspects of our innate orientation, aspects that we have developed over time - both in response to the choices we make, and as a result of the culture around us and the choices available to us.

The homosexual/heterosexual binary is forced upon all of us, and anything other than that is seen as a choice. This has become another way of refuting bisexuality. Because of this, people have been trying to prove that bisexuality isn't real for a long time, including a 2005 study that led the New York Times to claim that all men are either "gay, straight, or liars".

Bisexuals are perceived as untrustworthy, and this affects our entire identity; we don't tell enough about our own existence. Bisexual phobia stereotypes tell us that bisexuals are unreliable narrators of our own lives-because if you can't trust someone to know who they're really attracted to, you can't trust them to understand any of their sexual experiences-and that unisexual (attracted to one gender) people understand our sexuality better than we do.

These stereotypes continue to negatively impact bisexuals. Statistics and first-person accounts tell us that bisexuals are more likely to be in poorer physical and mental health, in part because bisexuality is eliminated from healthcare settings. London journalist Katie Boyden is one of the many bisexuals who lack understanding when trying to get support and healthcare. A previous therapist told her that her bisexuality was "[her] choice."

The "nature vs. choice" dichotomy has harmed the bisexual community in other ways as well. While Born this Way's narrative is a huge victory for LGBTQIA+ rights (and spawned an incredibly catchy song - thanks Gaga), it also subtly demonstrates that the cool community deserves rights and protections only because of the things that happen to us, and that we will choose those things if we can.

Bisexuality is not a choice. No one is going to sit down and make some list of pros and cons of the sexual orientation they want to be. Like gay, straight or asexual, bisexuality is a natural, beautiful, wonderful part of people's complex, multifaceted, fabulous selves, but it's not up to us. Through my own bisexuality, I have found a wonderful community, made lifelong friends, fallen in and out of love, and I have become an activist. If that 37% respondent is right, bisexuality is a choice I would make any day.

Yemen's Houthi armed forces plan to execute nine male homosexuals by stoning and crucifixion in public, sparking fear and condemnation.


In Yemen, a Houthi-controlled court recently sentenced nine people to death for homosexuality, seven of whom will face stoning and two will be crucified. This news has caused widespread international concern and condemnation. Amnesty International has stated that these actions are spreading fear of the LGBTQ+ community and the Yemeni public at large.



Two courts run by the Houthi movement have sentenced more than 40 men. The regime has been attacking ships in the Red Sea since November and has been subjected to retaliatory strikes by the United States and Britain. Yemen sits on the southeastern edge of the Red Sea, and the Iranian-backed Houthi movement controls the desert nation's most populous region and has been engaged in a long-running war with a coalition led by Yemen's northern neighbor, Saudi Arabia.

Grazia Careccia, Amnesty International's deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa, called the planned executions a "horrific public spectacle" designed to spread fear among LGBTQ+ people and Yemenis in general. She described all the sentences as "very distressing".

In a statement, Carrecia said, "Public flogging is a cruel and inhumane punishment that violates the absolute prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment under international law and should not be practiced under any circumstances." She added: "The authorities must immediately and unconditionally release all those detained solely on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity."

Niku Jafarnia, a Yemeni researcher at Human Rights Watch, told AFP, "The Houthis have stepped up their atrocities inside the country, while the world is watching their attacks in the Red Sea." Jafarnia added: "If they really cared about the Palestinian rights they claim to defend, they wouldn't be flogging and stoning Yemenis to death."

These events highlight the extreme dangers and challenges faced by sexual minorities in war and conflict. The international community is calling for immediate action to protect these innocent people from further persecution and violence.

Therapists may be 'shunned' by conversion therapy ban


In today's society, the rights and well-being of transgender youth have become a hot topic of public discussion. A recent report published by Dr. Hilary Cass has attracted a lot of attention. In the report, Dr. Cass suggests that the Scottish government's proposed bill to ban LGBTQ+ conversion therapy could have a negative impact on healthcare professionals who provide treatment to transgender youth.



In addition, the Cass Report mentions that many transgender, gender non-conforming or gender-questioning young people are not heterosexual, a point that is often confused when discussing gender identity. The report calls for more mental health support for transgender youth and criticizes existing research on clinical guidance for transgender youth, calling it "poor quality."

Notably, the Cass report also urges "extreme caution" when prescribing puberty blockers to transgender youth, even though the drugs have been used safely in both transgender and cisgender children for years. Following the release of the report, prescriptions for puberty blockers were suspended in England, Wales and Scotland.

Against this backdrop, providing support and assistance to transgender youth and their families has become particularly important. Mermaids, an organization that provides confidential help and support to young people, parents and families, offers services via phone and online chat to provide a safe space for those seeking help with gender identity issues.

The Cass report and the discussion it has generated highlights the fact that while protecting transgender youth, we also need to be concerned about the plight of the professionals who support and treat them. Finding a balance between preventing the harms of conversion therapy without making therapists dedicated to helping transgender youth feel threatened or anxious is a challenge we face today.

Continuing to Eliminate Appreciation of Black Lesbian Character Barker's Bisexual Identity in '9-1-1'



In today's media environment, the presentation of cool characters and story lines is becoming increasingly popular and appreciated. This is a sign of progress, showing that society is becoming more aware of the diversity of genders and sexual orientations. However, this progress is sometimes accompanied by problems, especially when certain characters or story lines are ignored or marginalized. Recently, I have been particularly concerned about some of the discussions that have taken place on the show 9-1-1, especially regarding its treatment of the bisexual character Barker, and how this treatment may have inadvertently erased the show's black lesbian characters, Mother Hen and her wife.



This situation is a reflection of a broader problem in which the representation of cool characters in the media tends to focus on white characters while ignoring the presence and importance of ethnically cool characters of color. Not only does this deprive these characters of visibility, but it also deprives audiences of the opportunity to see a more diverse and well-rounded story of cool kids.

Of course, 9-1-1 is not the only episode with this problem, but it provides an opportunity for discussion and reflection. We should applaud the presentation of cool characters in the episode, but at the same time think critically about the ways in which they are presented and the inclusiveness and prejudice they can bring.

Before I end this post, I'd like to share some more exciting news. Bisexual actress Shay Mitchell is launching a travel show about drinks around the world; Saturday Night Live has produced a Jojo Siva sketch that Jojo himself found funny; and Devery Jacobs will be starring alongside bisexual Evan Rachel Wood in a cool cheerleading movie called Backspot. These are all testaments to the fact that the cool kid culture continues to grow and be seen in different areas.

Finally, we should continue to promote a more diverse and inclusive representation of Cool Kids stories in the media. This is not only for the sake of diversity within the Kool Kids community, but also for the sake of a more authentic and well-rounded view of the world for all viewers.

Why do homosexuals often have older brothers? Explore the correlation behind it.


In today's society, scientists are constantly exploring the science behind human behavior, and one fascinating area is the influence of family structure on an individual's sexual orientation. Recently, NPR launched a new series called The Science of Siblings, which delves into how our siblings affect our lives, from money and mental health to our molecular level.



最近的一項研究對超過 900 萬荷蘭人進行了分析,不僅證實了這一效應,而且還發現女性同性戀者也更有可能擁有哥哥。這一發現提示我們,可能存在某種生物機制,至少部分地解釈了這一現象。

Scientists have proposed the "maternal immunity hypothesis" to explain this phenomenon, which suggests that a mother's immune response to proteins produced by the Y-chromosome in a male fetus may influence the sexual orientation of the subsequent male fetus. Although this theory has not been conclusively proven, it offers a possible explanation.

However, this area of research has also raised some concerns and controversy. Justin Torres, author of the semi-autobiographical novel We the Animals, is wary of research linking sexual orientation to biological factors. He worries that it could reignite prejudice and discrimination against homosexuals, and cautions us to be wary of the intentions and potential consequences behind scientific research.

That said, this area of research is undoubtedly fascinating, challenging our understanding of the relationships between sexual orientation, family structure, and biology. As the Science of Siblings series unfolds further, we look forward to more discoveries and insights that will hopefully promote understanding and acceptance of the diversity of sexual orientation.

Copyright 2024 NPR

New restrictions affecting this year's Chicago Pride Parade have sparked discontent in the LGBTQ+ community


Annual Chicago Pride Parade Faces Downsizing Challenges


這一消息引起了LGBTQ+社群的強烈反應。許多人認為,這種縮減不僅減少了慶祝和表達自我驕傲的機會,也可能削弱社群的能見度和影響力。LGBTQ+市長諮詢委員會主席Jin-Soo Huh表示,他們對這一消息感到不滿,並強調這樣的決定應該在與社區協商後才能做出。他們呼籲市長辦公室恢復驕傲遊行的原始規模。


In the face of these challenges, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson's LGBTQ+ Advisory Board has said they will continue to work to maintain the integrity of the march. They have sent an open letter to the city demanding that the limit on the number of participants be lifted and emphasizing the progress the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois have made in advancing the rights and protections of LGBTQ+ people. They urge the City to organize the largest, most visible and impactful Pride Parade in the country, especially at a time when transgender youth are facing unprecedented threats.

Additionally, some organizations support changing the time of the parade to 11:00 a.m. to better accommodate the shift demands of the police department. The letter also advocates for other marches to be held throughout the year and asks that officials involve the community in any decision to change these beloved traditions.

Chicago's Pride Parade is not only a celebration, but also a platform to showcase the strength, unity, and diversity of the community. In the face of this challenge, Chicago's LGBTQ+ community and supporters demonstrated their commitment to rights, visibility, and pride. Their efforts remind us that even in the face of adversity, the power of unity and love can make a difference.

Exploring the problem of insufficient awareness of bisexuality in the community


在當今社會,雙性戀者經常面臨著一種被稱為”雙重擦除”的現象,這種現象不僅來自異性戀社群,也來自LGBTQ+社群內部。娜塔莉·施里弗(Natalie Schriefer)在她的文章中提到,對雙性戀者的不斷質疑是雙性戀擦除的後果之一。這種質疑往往源於對雙性戀者身份的誤解和刻板印象。

在2024年的Netflix特輯《Have It All》中,單口喜劇演員泰勒湯姆林森(Taylor Tomlinson)公開了自己的雙性戀身份。她的經歷凸顯了雙性戀者面臨的挑戰,尤其是在公開自己的性取向時,常常需要面對他人的質疑和要求”證明”自己的雙性戀身份。這種經歷不僅令人不安,也反映了社會對雙性戀者的誤解和偏見。


Tomlinson's experience and Schriever's analysis remind us that bisexuals are diverse and rich in their identities, and that they should not be forced to choose a side or justify their sexual orientation. Bisexuals should be allowed to self-identify and not be forced to conform to outside expectations and assumptions about their sexual orientation.

As more and more bisexuals are bravely opening up about their identities, society's awareness and acceptance of bisexuality is gradually increasing. However, more education and dialogues are needed to eliminate prejudice and double erasure against bisexuals. By sharing and discussing the real-life experiences of bisexuals, we can help break down stereotypes and promote a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of bisexual identity.

Everyone has a role to play in this process, whether it is through supporting our bisexual friends or participating in and promoting public discussion on the issue of bisexuality. Only when we learn to accept and respect everyone's sexual diversity can we truly realize an inclusive and equal society.

New FDA Rule Promotes Inclusion: An Analysis of the Impact of Allowing Gay and Bisexual Men to Donate Blood


For the past decade, Chris Van Bieber has faced the restriction of not being able to donate blood. The 35-year-old male from Salt Lake City, Utah, is prohibited from donating blood under a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation due to his openly gay status. This regulation is based on the potential risk posed by sexually active gay men, regardless of the actual health status of the individual.




For Fan Bieber, the desire to donate blood stems in part from family history. His mother had life-threatening complications when he was born and needed to donate blood to save her life. From a young age, Van Beber understood the importance of blood donation, especially since his blood type is O-negative and can be used for transfusions of any blood type. However, due to previous policies, he was never able to participate in his family's blood drive, which made him feel like an outsider.

This year's policy change is a major step forward not only for Van Bibber, but also for many others who are opening their doors. The new Blood Donor Risk Assessment Tool asks all donors if they have had a new or multiple sexual partners in the past three months, with a deferral for those who have a history of anal sex during that time. This change makes it possible for more people to become involved in blood donation and help solve the blood supply problem.

Despite this, Van Bibber and others believe there is more work to be done, especially in expanding eligibility for blood donation for patients on PrEP medications. This would be a step forward, not only in reducing stigma and discrimination, but also in encouraging more people to donate blood, thereby safeguarding the blood supply.

With the implementation of this new policy, we look forward to a more inclusive and just society, one where everyone can contribute according to their abilities.

I Saw the TV Light Up: A Nostalgic Horror Story About Transgender Teens in the '90s | Movies


As a transgender teenager in the 1990s, I vividly remember the flickering light on the TV screen. Late at night, once everyone else in the house was asleep, I was able to have a degree of privacy, and it was the main time when I could access things that were somewhat similar to my real self.

觀看跨性別電影製片人簡·舍恩布倫 (Jane Schoenbrun) 的新片《我看到了電視的光芒》(I Saw the TV Glow),讓我回到了人生的這段時期。如片名所示,美泉宮的電影講述的是小銀幕以及它對兩個90年代成長的酷兒青少年的生活意味著什麼。



I Saw the Light of Television centers on Irving, a black boy just entering puberty, and the slightly older Maddie, who seems to be changing towards femininity and becomes a sort of mentor to Irving. Maddie mainly helps Irving smuggle in tapes of a strange television program called The Pink Opaque, which hypnotizes young people, though it doesn't seem to be a very good program and ostensibly has little to do with their reality.

The movie at the American Springs Palace is largely about what it's like to be the cool kid before you come out of the closet. It's when you know you're different in some way, but haven't yet realized that you may have a different gender or sexual orientation than most people. It's a strange part of the journey, being drawn to an identity without fully realizing it. It was a much longer and more common period before the advent of the internet, when increased acceptance made cooler identities clearer. The nineties may have been the last time that so many young people sleepwalked their way to cool kid status, mysteriously drawn to whatever pop culture seemed to express this strange sense of difference.

The impressive ability of Mizumiya to create movie-length metaphors allows the viewer to experience this feeling. The average metaphorizer creates ideas that might work at the 1:1 or 1:2 level; the very, very good metaphorizer might operate at the 1:10 or 1:20 level. Storytellers like Mizumiya completely break this ratio. They create metaphors of such complexity and dynamism that we can't map them from one conceptual realm to another. It's easy to say that Jane Scheinbren has created a movie about gender dysphoria, but trying to tell the story of how or why they work is beyond our ability to express in so many words.

Watching the flickering screen of I Saw the TV Glow at the American Springs Palace, trying to figure out how what I was watching was speaking to me, I believe I felt similar to how Irving and Maddie felt watching Pink Opaque, experiencing the show's hypnotic appeal to others. For the same reason, this movie allowed me to re-experience what it was like for me as a teenager to watch these shows in front of a glowing TV screen so many late nights, connecting with a femininity that was beyond my ability to comprehend.

I Saw the Light of Television is a heartfelt interpretation of the nostalgia genre that shows great compassion for the children who lived through it. It preserves their incomprehensible innocence and trauma with genuine care, as if attempting to give these children and so many others the empathy they should have been able to receive in those times. Its kindness is something I learned to give to a younger version of myself, who for years struggled with inner hatred and judgment that I had been taught to keep for myself and children like me. Watching it, I felt how small and confused Owen and Maddie were, and I wished they had something better than the TV show to guide them. I wish I had too.

'Challengers' director Luca Guadagnino delves into the movie's iconic grease bar scene


If you've just walked out of the movie theater after watching The Challengers, then you're likely to have a sudden craving for fritters. The movie, which features a Spanish fritter scene starring Mike Feist and Josh O'Connor, has not only made audiences salivate, but it's also created a buzz on the Internet. Director Luca Guadagnino recently revealed to fans the sweet production process behind the scene in a new video, first reported by The New York Times.



The shots of the conversation between Patrick and Art are longer compared to the other conversations the two share, and Guadagnino explains the reasoning behind this creative choice: "I left the shots long because I felt like we had to be with them and learn the syntax of their behavior and what they were doing together. Once we realized that Art's naked manipulation game at the table had been discovered by Patrick, we cut away. So we cut to a kind of reverse shot, extremely close-up, of Patrick embracing in an ambiguous way. So there's a constant struggle between the two of them to the point where they're fighting, but they're looking out for each other. --and very close, I would say, but at the same time, they're really tense."

In the end, it all comes down to what's really hidden in the conversation - what's not spoken, but seen. Guadagnino concludes, "I think it's about being jealous of each other, but at the same time wanting us to try to play off each other, and Josh and Mike do that in a beautiful way in this scene."

And just like that, "The Challenger" has made sure that people will never look at doughnuts the same way again. The movie is now playing in theaters and will no doubt bring more surprises and thoughts to the audience.
