How to Succeed on Capitol Hill: a look at Changes, Seattle's oldest gay bar


In Seattle's Wallingford neighborhood, there's a gay bar called Changes, founded 35 years ago by Floyd McIssac. McIssac, who was working at Sears at the time, bought the bar to pay for his car with little expectation.



On the occasion of the bar's 35th anniversary, The Stranger sat down with Mike Isaac for an in-depth conversation. He reflects on the history of the bar and his experiences as a young gay man visiting Seattle bars in the 1970s.

McIsaac recalls the first night of the opening, when the skies were snowing in what was probably one of the worst snowstorms they've ever experienced. Despite that, the bar's opening drew about 30 people, which was a pretty good turnout for the time.

Gay bars have gone through a lot of changes over the past 35 years. McIsaac notes that when he first opened, Changes was primarily a men's bar, and a gay bar at that. But now, the trend has changed, with more and more heterosexuals entering these spaces. He emphasizes that while it will take some getting used to, he wants everyone to feel welcome and to make sure that the bar doesn't lose the gay vibe it has.

Having a space like this is important for the cool kids community. MacIsaac mentioned that people need places where they can actually sit down and talk to people and gain social skills. He emphasized that these spaces should be safe places where people feel welcome and accepted.

McIsaac's story is not just about a bar, it's about community, acceptance, and change Changes, Seattle's longest continuously operating gay bar, has witnessed many important moments in the gay community and continues to provide a warm, welcoming space for all.


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