"Lesbian" wedding via live streaming: despite the blessing of both parents, the official registration of marriage is still out of reach - Sohu News

濟南舉行女同性戀直播婚禮 獲父母祝福但法律認可遙遙無期

In today's society, love takes many forms and is no longer limited to traditional heterosexual relationships. In recent years, with increased awareness of gender equality and the rights of sexual minorities, homosexual marriage is gradually being accepted and discussed in society. However, in many countries and regions, homosexual marriage is still facing both legal and social challenges. Today, we will share a special story of a lesbian wedding in Jinan, China, which not only received blessings from both parents, but also aroused widespread concern and discussion on the Internet.




The organization of this wedding has not only overturned the traditional perception over the years, but also reflected the gradual change in society's attitude towards gay marriage. According to a survey report released by renowned gay rights advocate Li Yinhe, as early as 2006, only 27% of the respondents supported gay marriage, while around 2011, the proportion of respondents who supported the legalization of gay marriage had increased significantly. This change in concepts and perceptions appears to be a subtle process.

However, despite the changing social attitudes, Nana and Hau Hau's wedding can only be a "formal marriage" because the current law does not provide for the registration of same-sex marriages. The Social Affairs Department of the Jinan Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau responded that they have not encountered any same-sex applications for registration of marriages so far. The embarrassment of this reality highlights the challenges still faced by the rights of same-sex marriage at the legal level.

Through the stories of Nana and Hou Hou, we see the diversity and inclusiveness of love and the gradual change in society's attitude towards gay marriage. However, more efforts and advocacy are needed to achieve legal recognition of gay marriage. It is hoped that in the future, every couple will be able to freely express their love and build a happy future together with the support of the law and society.


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