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How the Mass Media Accepts My Bisexuality


In this colorful and diverse world, everyone should have the right to live their lives as who they are, free from prejudice and discrimination. For the LGBTQ+ community, every step of the journey towards self-acceptance and social recognition is full of challenges and triumphs. For bisexuals in particular, their experiences are often misunderstood and ignored, making their search for self-identity and a sense of belonging to the community even more difficult.

在酷兒學生中心,Skylar Rathvon和Vansh Khokhani的領導下,我們看到了一個積極的力量,一個讓每個人都能感受到被接納和支持的空間。他們的照片,由Dong Woo Im拍攝,不僅捕捉了他們的自信和驕傲,也傳達了一個強烈的信息:在這裡,每個人都可以是自己。


As a bisexual woman, I am well aware of the internal struggles and external pressures I face on the road to accepting my sexuality. Ever since I was a child, society's stereotypes and expectations of sexuality have been everywhere, making it difficult for us to find our place in the world. But when I was finally able to say "I am bisexual" out loud, the relief and freedom was priceless.

However, even after coming out, bisexuals still face challenges from society and within the LGBTQ+ community. We are often misunderstood and labeled and forced to prove that our sexuality is "real". This constant questioning and rejection leaves us feeling alone and unappreciated.

But we cannot let these challenges define us. Our bisexual identities are our truths and should not be erased by anyone's prejudices. We must continue to speak up for ourselves, support each other, and find our strength and voice in this diverse community.

So let's celebrate our diversity and uniqueness this Bisexual Awareness Week and Coming Out Day, and every day. Let's stand up proudly and tell the world that we are the B in LGBTQ+, that our existence is real, and that our voices matter.

We've got a long way to go together, but as long as we're united, there's nothing we can't overcome. Happy Bisexual Awareness Week and Happy Coming Out Day. I am so proud of everyone who belongs to this beautiful and colorful community.

Single Men Seeking Advice


In today's society, the journey to find love and understanding can be a challenging one for many, especially for those whose sexual orientation or gender identity is slightly different from the mainstream. Recently, we received a letter from one of our readers, Bi Qiqi, whose experience and confusion touched our heartstrings and made us realize that in this diverse world, the journey to find true love sometimes requires more courage and wisdom.



Against this background, we offer a few suggestions to Picchi. First, since he is interested in a serious relationship with a man, he should make every effort to get involved with any local organizations where he might meet other gay men. Additionally, online apps and "matchmaking" sites such as OkCupid, EHarmony, Silversingles, and Match.com offer LGBTQ matchmaking opportunities, which are great ways to find a partner.

According to a study released in 2023 by the Pew Research Center, LGB adults are more likely than heterosexual adults to report having used a dating website or app. This suggests that for people like Picchi, the online dating experience can be a highly effective way to learn and find a partner.

In this diverse and ever-changing world, everyone should have the opportunity to find their own love and happiness. Pikki's story reminds us that regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, the search for love requires courage, an open mind and continuous effort. We hope that Bichai will find his other half and that we can all give him the greatest support and understanding in this journey.

Vatican statement: Surrogacy and gender-affirming care violate human dignity


The Vatican recently issued a widely discussed statement that classifies "gender theory," gender-affirming care, and even surrogacy as "violations of human dignity" along with serious issues such as war, poverty, and human trafficking. After five years in the making, the document, called "Infinite Dignity," was finally approved by Pope Francis and officially released in March.



The issue of surrogacy is also addressed in the document, with the Vatican arguing that surrogacy violates a child's right to full human origins, as well as the dignity of women. The statement provoked a strong reaction from the LGBTQ+ Catholic community. Francis DeBernardo of the Congregation for the New Way criticized the document for failing to apply the principles of respect and love to people of diverse genders. Berlin activist Mara Klein also pointed out that the suggestion that gender-affirming care is seen as jeopardizing dignity is not only harmful, but shows dangerous ignorance.

In the US, the Vatican's statement has caused even greater concern in the LGBTQ+ community as Republican lawmakers push for restrictions on access to gender-affirming care. Klein criticized the Vatican's statement, arguing that it would only serve to deepen the damage done to the LGBTQ+ community at a time of growing hostility towards it.

The Vatican's statement has undoubtedly triggered a debate on the complex relationship between gender, dignity and religious beliefs. The question of how to balance these seemingly contradictory points of view with the principles of respect and love will continue to be a challenge for all.

Bisexual Sportsman Jordan Rand Shares Coming Out Experience and Advice


In today's society, coming out can still be a difficult and challenging process for many people. For those who are ready to share who they really are, it's especially important to find a way to express yourself. Jordan Rand, a professional racer and champion of the Racing Pride community, shows us through her personal story that sometimes a simple symbol, like a rainbow, can be a powerful communication tool.


Jordan shares, "My first step was to quietly add "bi" to my IG profile without saying anything to anyone, and then I customized my helmet. These little signals can spark conversations." Her story shows us that even the smallest steps can have a huge impact and ultimately lead to more support and understanding.

Her custom helmet debuted in 2022, when she first shared the official post and the personal meaning behind the rainbow design on Instagram. She admits she never felt "happy enough" to wear the pride flag and was worried about embarrassing her family. However, she eventually overcame these fears and was brave enough to go public with her identity.

In addition to being a race car driver, Jordan is a model and has an extensive background in sports. Her story is not only a demonstration of personal bravery, but also a show of support for the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. In the racing world, the re-flying of the rainbow flag has always been an important symbol of pride and alliance. Well-known athletes such as Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel have expressed their support for the LGBTQ community, further demonstrating the importance of inclusion and diversity in sports.

Jordan Rand's story is an inspiring example of how to express your true identity through small actions and symbols, and provides inspiration for those searching for ways to come out of the closet. Her courage and determination has not only helped herself, but has brought positive energy and hope to the entire LGBTQ+ community.

A large number of undisclosed gay men have not been treated for acne.


THURSDAY, Jan. 18, 2024 (HealthDay News) - In the midst of the recent global outbreak of measles, a new study has uncovered a concerning phenomenon: many undisclosed gay and bisexual men are failing to receive treatment for infectious measles. Experts say this is not because they fear seeking treatment will reveal their sexual orientation, but because their isolation from the wider LGBT community has resulted in limited access to treatment information.

紐約州伊薩卡康乃爾大學傳播學博士後研究員Joel Le Forestier是這項研究的主要作者。他表示:“我們從這項研究中學到的教訓是,融入社區對於獲得治療和資訊是非常有益的。” Le Forestier進一步解釋說,成為社區的一部分不僅能夠讓人們了解到公共衛生資源,這是其中之一的好處。


Le Forestier and his team initially thought that not being openly identified might be a deterrent to some men seeking MPOX treatment. This hypothesis stemmed from his observations during his doctoral studies in Toronto, when he noticed that the majority of people waiting in line for the measles vaccine were openly gay and bisexual men.

However, a friend of Le Forestier's offered an alternative theory that these unidentified men may not even know about the MPOX vaccine because they are not involved in the community and therefore do not have access to these resources.

The results of the study seem to support this theory, Le Forestier said, "We found that those who were not publicly identified did worry about being 'out of the loop' by seeking out MPOX resources, but that this was not directly related to their reduced likelihood of accessing these resources. In fact, if they knew that MPOX treatments were available, they were inclined to seek them out, regardless of whether they were publicly identified or not."

Therefore, the question of how to provide information about MPOX prevention and treatment to at-risk populations who are not deeply involved in the LGBT community has become an important one, and Le Forestier argues that it has to do with knowledge of the resources and the level of community involvement, and not just out of fear of being exposed.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides more information about MPOX and its prevention and care, providing an important health resource for the public.

Source : Cornell University, Press Release, January 16, 2024

California Neo-Nazi Faces Trial for Killing Former High School Classmate Blaze Bernstein


In today's society, the rise of extremism has become a global problem that not only challenges our security, but also puts human values to the test. A recent murder case in Southern California has brought this issue to the forefront of the public eye once again. This was not just an ordinary murder, but one linked to a neo-Nazi organization, highlighting the activism of far-right extremists in the U.S., especially during the presidency of Donald Trump.

被告人山姆·伍德沃德(Sam Woodward),一名原子武器部門的前成員,於2018年1月15日被捕,被指控謀殺他的前高中同學布萊茲·伯恩斯坦(Blaze Bernstein)。伯恩斯坦是一名公開的同性戀者和猶太裔醫學預科學生,他的失踪和死亡震驚了社會,並揭露了新納粹組織的暴力本質。


Woodward's background is equally remarkable. He came from a devout, conservative Catholic family and was the son of a wealthy Newport Beach family. His behavior, however, stood in stark contrast to his family's background. As a teenager, Woodward displayed an almost racist machismo and developed ties to neo-Nazi organizations on social media.

This case is more than just a murder; it is a cautionary tale about how extremism can take root in our society. The Atomic Weapons Division, the neo-Nazi organization to which Woodward belonged, was known for its radical online propaganda and emphasis on armed white nationalist insurgency. This case reveals the violent nature of the organization and raises widespread concern about the spread of far-right extremism in American society.

Woodward's trial is a test not only of himself, but also of how we as a society respond to and guard against extremism. If convicted, Woodward faces life in prison, which may bring some comfort to Bernstein's family and friends. However, the deeper issues behind this case - the root causes of extremism and how to prevent it from spreading - remain a challenge we must face.

In a world of violence and hatred, it is incumbent upon each of us to be vigilant and take action against extremism. It is only through education, dialogue and active social engagement that we can hope to build a more peaceful and inclusive society.

Barker's first same-sex kiss on the 100th episode of 9-1-1?


Since its inception, the popular emergency drama "9-1-1" has won the hearts of its viewers with its tense and exciting plot and deep characterization. In the recently aired 100th episode, the scene fans have been waiting for - Oliver Stark's Evan "Buck" Buckley kisses a man - is not only a clear demonstration of Buck's sexuality that has been hinted at for many years, but also an important step forward in the show's exploration of the issue of gender and sexual orientation.



In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Oliver Stark spoke about the significance of the historic moment. He said that the kiss was "a long time coming" and confirmed that fans were right about Buck's sexuality. Stark also revealed that he thinks Buck is bisexual, and said that in upcoming episodes, viewers will see how Buck labels his sexuality.

As the story line between Buck and Eddie unfolds, fans are excited to see what the future holds for these two characters. Regardless of the outcome, Buck's same-sex kiss is certainly an important step in 9-1-1's exploration of gender and sexuality, and an affirmation of the increased visibility of the cool kids in mainstream media. We look forward to seeing more stories like "Buddy's" on screen, and hope that "9-1-1" will continue to go further in exploring the deeper emotional and social issues of its characters.

Bisexuals face tougher challenges, Spectator reveals


In today's society, the topic of Multiple Spectrums of Attraction (MSPEC) is gaining attention, especially in the cool kid community. This community includes people who are attracted to different genders, such as bisexuals and pansexuals. However, these people often experience a particular kind of discrimination within their own community - biphobia.



These statistics reveal a disturbing fact: even in cool communities that seek inclusion and acceptance, bisexuals face oppression and ostracism from their peers. This phenomenon reflects a broader problem of division and inequality within the community.

In order to truly achieve liberation and equality for the cool kids community, we must recognize and address these internal issues of discrimination. This means actively listening to and supporting the voices of MSPEC individuals and combating biphobia within the community. Only when we recognize each person's unique experiences and challenges, and work together to create a more inclusive and supportive environment, can we truly achieve liberation for all.

In this process, we must remember that suffering should not be compared. Recognizing and resolving bipolar disorder does not mean less attention to the experiences of other members of the cool kids community. Rather, it's an opportunity to understand and support each other more deeply, so that together we can build a more equitable and inclusive community.

Every voice counts on this journey. If you want to share your story or seek support, please be brave and step forward. You are not alone, together we can make a difference.

You Won't Believe the Wild Adventures of This Gay Wolfdog Superstar! Love, Drama, and Secrets Unveiled!

“Exploring Bold Themes: ‘On the Road’ – A Journey of Seduction, Fantasy, and Unconventional Desires Set to Release in Taiwan”

**Exploring the Boundaries of Cinema with “On the Road”: A Bold Dive into Fantasy and Reality**

Taiwan is set to witness the release of a groundbreaking film that challenges conventional storytelling and explores the depths of human desire and fantasy. “On the Road,” scheduled for release on April 19, is not just a film; it’s an audacious journey into a surreal world where the lines between reality and fantasy blur. This movie, featuring Omar Ayuso from the popular Netflix drama “Elite” and the talented Chinese actress Chacha Huang, promises an unforgettable cinematic experience with its bold narrative and visually stunning scenes.

The film is a testament to the power of unrestricted male comradery, showcasing scenes filled with seductive manhood and muscles that are bound to captivate audiences. The film is a testament to the power of unrestricted male comradery, showcasing scenes filled with seductive manhood and muscles that are bound to captivate audiences. It delves into complex themes such as sperm retrieval and the unconventional paths to parenthood, wrapped in a spicy plot that has piqued the curiosity of movie enthusiasts worldwide.

At its core, "On the Road" is a story about communication, listening, and mutual respect. It follows a female director who, through these principles, crafts a world that is both crazy and irrational, yet undeniably fascinating. The film is a musical odyssey, a road movie where a mysterious mermaid guides the journey, adding a layer of mystique to the narrative.

The plot revolves around a versatile young woman and her friends on a quest to find a child. Utilizing a gay dating app, she seeks a "sperm master" during her conception period, leading her and her companions on a wild ride across the Cote d'Azur in southern Spain. Utilizing a gay dating app, she seeks a "sperm master" during her conception period, leading her and her companions on a wild ride across the Cote d'Azur in southern Spain. They encounter a host of eccentric characters, including the enigmatic Mermaid and Stallion Artist, making for a story filled with music, dance, passion, self-discovery, and a touching sense of humor. They encounter a host of eccentric characters including the enigmatic Mermaid and Stallion Artist, making for a story filled with music, dance, passion, self-discovery, and a touch of erotic fantasy.

What sets "On the Road" apart is its unapologetic portrayal of nudity and polysexual scenes, offering a full-bodied erotic atmosphere that is both provocative and enlightening. The film's unique narrative structure, akin to a series of interwoven experiences, invites audiences to let their imaginations run wild alongside the director's imagination. The film's unique narrative structure, akin to a series of interwoven experiences, invites audiences to let their imaginations run wild alongside the director's vision.

Directed by Julia de Castro and co-directed by María Gisèle Royo, "On the Road" paints a vibrant portrait of contemporary society and the human condition. Its youthful energy and road movie style have captured the hearts of audiences, allowing viewers of all ages to glimpse its wild and whimsical scenes. Its youthful energy and road movie style have captured the hearts of audiences, allowing viewers of all ages to glimpse its wild and whimsical scenes.

The film's creative form and engaging content have earned it rave reviews and accolades at major international film festivals, including the Best Film and Best Director awards at the Gijon International Film Festival in Spain, as well as the Golden Leopard Award at the Lucano Film Festival.

As "On the Road" gears up for its release across Taiwan, with screenings in various cities, the anticipation is palpable. those eager to immerse themselves in this erotic and crazy fantasy road movie, pre-sale tickets are available, offering a chance to secure a spot in what promises to be an unforgettable cinematic journey. promises to be an unforgettable cinematic journey.

In a world where cinema often treads carefully around the edges of convention, "On the Road" boldly steps into uncharted territory, inviting viewers to join in on a journey that is as thought-provoking as it is visually stunning. In a world where cinema often treads carefully around the edges of convention, "On the Road" boldly steps into uncharted territory, inviting viewers to join in on a journey that is as thought-provoking as it is visually stunning. s an experience, a celebration of the untamed spirit of adventure and the endless possibilities of the human imagination.

How I Left the Mormon Church After Coming Out of the Closet


In our First Steps series, we explore the stories of men who have taken the courageous first step to change their bodies, minds, and lives. These stories are not just about change, but about the courage to begin the journey. Today, we're sharing the story of Devon Gibby, 36, a man who left religion and embraced his sexuality.


Marriage and fatherhood led Devon to question his faith and the message he wanted to convey to his children. He began questioning his faith while studying creative writing and critical thinking at Brigham Young University in Utah. This new way of thinking soon crumbled his worldview and he began to explore his sexuality more freely.

Devon first came out to his roommate at Brigham Young University, who was also the medium through which he and his wife met. Although the friend didn't know how to react, he expressed support and understanding. Later, Devon came out to his bishop and his wife, and these conversations did not go well. His wife even wanted to help him "recover". Nevertheless, their marriage lasted five years until Devon realized that his homosexuality was a part of him that he could never change.

In Mormonism, husbands and wives are "sealed" together, meaning they will be together in eternity, so divorce brings great shame. Despite this, Devon and his wife decided to separate, realizing that they could have a better relationship as friends and co-parents.

Devon realized that coming to terms with his entire identity would mean leaving Mormonism. He began living openly as a gay man and began dating men. This came as a shock to his family, as there was little room for homosexuals within the Mormon Church. Devon's coming out was seen as a rejection of his community.

Despite the challenges, Devon found a community, and he began writing a blog through which he met other Mormon men who were not in the closet. They called themselves "MoHos" and met regularly to discuss the intersection of sex and spirituality. Devon also sought out gay fathers on social media and gradually became the kind of man he hadn't been when he was younger.

Devon's story is about coming to terms with who he really is and taking the courageous first step to change his life. His experience reminds us that while change may require sacrifice, the pursuit of our true selves is worth it.
