Vatican statement: Surrogacy and gender-affirming care violate human dignity


The Vatican recently issued a widely discussed statement that classifies "gender theory," gender-affirming care, and even surrogacy as "violations of human dignity" along with serious issues such as war, poverty, and human trafficking. After five years in the making, the document, called "Infinite Dignity," was finally approved by Pope Francis and officially released in March.



The issue of surrogacy is also addressed in the document, with the Vatican arguing that surrogacy violates a child's right to full human origins, as well as the dignity of women. The statement provoked a strong reaction from the LGBTQ+ Catholic community. Francis DeBernardo of the Congregation for the New Way criticized the document for failing to apply the principles of respect and love to people of diverse genders. Berlin activist Mara Klein also pointed out that the suggestion that gender-affirming care is seen as jeopardizing dignity is not only harmful, but shows dangerous ignorance.

In the US, the Vatican's statement has caused even greater concern in the LGBTQ+ community as Republican lawmakers push for restrictions on access to gender-affirming care. Klein criticized the Vatican's statement, arguing that it would only serve to deepen the damage done to the LGBTQ+ community at a time of growing hostility towards it.

The Vatican's statement has undoubtedly triggered a debate on the complex relationship between gender, dignity and religious beliefs. The question of how to balance these seemingly contradictory points of view with the principles of respect and love will continue to be a challenge for all.


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