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My world hasn't been the same since that night - SWI swissinfo.ch

Essays on Gay Rights in China: A Unique Perspective from a Swiss Woman Writer

Recently, a court in Changsha, China, dismissed a lawsuit filed by two homosexuals, Sun Wenlin and Hu Mingliang, seeking to register their marriage. This is the first case of homosexual marriage in Mainland China and has aroused widespread concern and discussion in the community. Although the case was dismissed, homosexual activists believe that the lawsuit has raised awareness of the issue.

Meanwhile, a book about the history of lesbianism in Switzerland, "Since that night, my world has become obsessed", is being translated into Chinese. The book, which chronicles the oral histories of eleven Swiss lesbians, has created quite a stir. The author, Corinne Rufli, and the translator, Qiao Mu, were interviewed by swissinfo.ch and shared their thoughts and perspectives.

Corinne Rufli says that education and career are crucial for women to pursue independent and autonomous lives. Through this book, she hopes to inspire young lesbians to learn about the life experiences of different generations of women and to be courageous enough to pursue their own happiness.

Corinne Rufli expressed concern and support for the survival of homosexuals in China, and called on the government to take more responsibility for the freedom and rights of homosexuals.

Finally, Corinne Rufli expressed her surprise and anticipation for Chinese readers to read her book, hoping that it will bring courage to women and serve as a bridge for intergenerational dialogues, so that more people will understand and respect different lifestyles.

All these stories and perspectives reflect the concern and support for the homosexuality issue. It is hoped that more equality and respect will be accorded to homosexuals in the near future. Let us all hope and work together so that everyone can enjoy equal rights and respect.

Mainland China's LGBT community struggles with difficult same-sex marriage law - BBC News Chinese

The Dilemma of the LGBT Community in Mainland China: Reflections on Taiwan's Same-Sex Marriage Bill

  • Lynn (Lara Owen)
  • BBC International's East Asian Women's Issues Correspondent

The image is annotated with text.

In Taiwan, a large number of same-sex couples have already applied to register for marriage.

The vote on Taiwan's same-sex marriage law indirectly puts the plight of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community in mainland China in the spotlight. Why are Chinese gay and lesbian activists skeptical about the potential for improvement in this area in mainland China?

On May 17, Taiwan's Legislative Yuan passed a bill legalizing marriage for same-sex couples. This is the culmination of decades of fighting for the rights of the LGBT community on this small island.

The passage of this bill means that Taiwan is the first in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage, a process that LGBT activists hope will lead to the legalization of same-sex marriage in more countries and regions.

However, women in mainland China's LGBT community say they still have a long way to go before they can access such rights as those in Taiwan.

Was Andrew Scott overlooked during awards season because of his sexual orientation?

Andrew Scott: The Gay Issue Behind Awards Season Snubs

Andrew Scott's stellar performance in the film We Are All Strangers was surprisingly snubbed during awards season, sparking debate about the recognition of LGBTQ+ characters and actors in the film industry.

Delve into the hot topic of Andrew Scott, who was in We Are Strangers but somehow overlooked during awards season. In this heart-wrenching movie, Scott plays a gay writer who revisits his hometown and confronts his past in the most unexpected ways.

At 47, Andrew Scott's journey home as an embattled writer in We Are Strangers unveils a surreal twist - his late parents are still there. His character's emotional roller coaster ride includes coming out to his ghostly parents and forging a deep connection with his lonely neighbor, played by Paul Meskal.

Despite the film's critical acclaim and audience anticipation, Scott's surprising omission from the major award nominations has sparked a debate about the recognition of LGBTQ+ characters in the film.

Despite We Are Strangers receiving several BAFTA nominations, even Paul Mescal and Claire Foy, Andrew Scott's absentee list baffled fans and critics alike. Even a Golden Globe nomination didn't translate into a win for Scott, who was overshadowed by his performance in The Movie.

Acclaimed author Russell T Davies, known for his contributions to LGBTQ+ storytelling, shares his insight into why Scott may be overlooked. In a panel Attitude Magazine Davies suggested that Scott's portrayal may have been too realistic, leading some to underestimate his acting ability.

Scott added to the tension this week when he was interviewed by the BBC in an uncomfortable moment that many saw as insensitive. The incident has brought into sharp focus the challenges faced by cool actors, even though they are already prominent in the industry.

Despite the setbacks, the conversation around Andrew Scott's performance in We Are Strangers sparked an important conversation about respect, recognition, and the path of cool storytelling in film.

Black Cool Performers Promote Decolonization Movement in Pole Dance Arts

Blackstage Pole: London Pole Dance Annual Show Trailer Revealed

Blackstage Pole's Instagram page features a series of trailers for the upcoming annual pole dancing show in London. Some of the performers on the reels are barefoot; others wear thick-soled heels. Some are inverted, others horizontal. But they all seem to exude an unspeakably powerful confidence.

Thirteen professionals from around the world will take the stage on April 6, symbolizing group founder Leila Davis' desire for diversity throughout the pole industry.

"There is a lack of representation of the BPOC demographic and a very negative white, non-sex-worker-allied polar narrative that erases transgender, plus-size, and non-binary polarities," says Davis, a cool professional dancer who has been performing for more than a decade alongside stars such as Snoop Dogg, Bruna Boy, and Shygirl. LGBTQ Nation. LGBTQ Nation.

Some literature suggests that pole dancing evolved from a 2,000-year-old Chinese movement, while others refer to African fertility dances. In any case, the dance style made its way into American traveling circuses before it became synonymous with sex workers and burlesque dancers in the 1950s.

Today, pole dancing has gone mainstream. It's now a common class at dance studios, and there are hundreds of instructional videos on YouTube for home learners. Jennifer Lopez's 2019 movie Liar helped highlight the strength and skill required to become a great pole dancer and sparked a wave of interest. There was even a push, albeit unsuccessful, to include pole in the 2024 Olympics.

But as it has grown in popularity, some in the community are concerned that its origins are being forgotten and "whitewashed" and that it is not staying true to its inclusive nature.

A spokesperson for Club Chrome, an Australian LGBTQIA+ pole dancing group, said, "Pole dancing grew primarily out of the labors of POC strippers, but the image of pole dancing (often re-branded as pole fitness) is glorified and has nothing to do with its roots as a sex worker." , said in a statement. "The same whitewashing and sex worker erasure is also present in cool spaces."

Destiny, a 23-year-old poll instructor, performer and stripper from Manchester, said she initially found the space inclusive after attending a local pole dancing class dedicated to people of color.

"I saw people like me and I was accepted. And then going deeper into the industry [I found] that it's actually not that inclusive," she says, explaining that many studios have a "female-only girl-power type atmosphere" that excludes anyone who isn't "heterosexual. Tall, smooth heterosexual white women.

Destiny says this in turn means that many of the competition lineups lack representation, with only one person of color or LGBTQ+ person. When it's fate, she wonders if she's wanted or trying to fill a quota.

Colleen Jolly, head of the International Pole Congress and founder of the International Pole Industry Association, recognizes that pole dancing businesses, events, competitions and other high-profile representations are often lagging indicators of what is actually happening in the industry.

But fate says the same thing about the studio. "I've worked and continue to work in studios where I'm one or the only person of color on the team, but haven't had the best of times there," she shares.

Jolly says that many pole businesses tend to focus first on survival. "For example, if the business owner doesn't have lived experience as a transgender person, they may not immediately understand how to support transgender people." She added that it may then be up to the individual to suggest changes. "I know it's not always easy, so if businesses and celebrities can create a space that encourages speaking up, that's a great first step towards greater inclusion."

Enter Blackstage Pole. Founded by Davis in 2020, this UK-based non-profit events company aims to focus and empower the creativity of pole dancers of color, as well as cool, transgender, disabled, low-income or sex workers.

"I want to give the communities I love and see a space that it deserves for all to love and see it. I want to decolonize the pole industry," Davis (stage name Cutie Whippingham) says on her website.

She later added, "This means that everyone should be allowed to pull the lever, there should be no rules, and there's no reason why it should be gender-specific or make people feel uncomfortable."

For four years Davis has been curating this idea, organizing events to showcase the talents of the professionals Blackstage Pole works with. This year marks the first time the exhibition has been supported by Arts Council England, officially recognizing it as an art form.

From more than 200 applicants, 13 people, including Destiny, were selected to make their debut at the event. A trans-Filipino performer, a Snoop Dogg accompanist who utilizes a steel pipe as a resource for sexual abuse survivors, and an American cool sex worker have all been shortlisted. Our continuing goal is to emphasize the true diversity of this art form, Davis said.

"It's a great place to show that we're here, we're in this neighborhood, and we're not going anywhere," Destiny said. She hopes that other showcase organizers will see the event and confront the talent in the industry that they have been choosing to ignore.

Davis says it has had an impact, explaining that for those who create harmful and exclusionary spaces, the presence of Blackstage Pole suggests that 'they can no longer escape punishment'.

Others in the industry are working to restore the diversity inherent in rods.

Destiny appeared on a show called Black Magic in October, which featured an all-black cast; Dirty Friday in the U.K. created space for sex workers, cool kids and people of color; and the Pole Dancing Stripper Movement competition was organized by sex workers to amplify their voices.

In Australia, the Chrome Club works to reposition diverse bodies as objects of desire in ways that are denied by the mainstream sex industry and require the pole dancing and coolie community to reconsider pole dancing as a legitimate art form and expression of diversity.

In the U.S., PoleCon has hosted the Cool Kids Showcase event and organized several panels for Cool Geeks, Sex Workers, Plus-Size Geeks, and BIPOC Geeks. "Additionally, starting this year, we added a contractual requirement for workshop leaders to use gender-neutral terminology when speaking to panels," Jolley shared.

Destiny says the industry in general is getting better, but there is always more that can be done to honor the legacy of Pole's origins and make it a more inclusive community today.

"I'd like to see people in the industry not just say that because it's cool or trendy, but actually try to make sure that their studios aren't racist or masturbatory, that they don't ostracize people because of their sexual orientation or race." Destiny said. "Either you become an ally or you don't."

Adele Postpones Las Vegas Residency Due to Illness, Takes a Toll

Adele postpones Las Vegas residency due to illness

Adele has postponed her Las Vegas residency due to illness. The British star took to Instagram to share the news with her fans, stating that the discomfort had taken a toll on her voice and she had to take a break from performing. She has been performing in Las Vegas on weekends since November 2022, but doctors have advised that she needs to take a complete break.

Fans took to social media to leave messages wishing Adele a good rest and not to rush back to work. They said they understood her situation and wished her a speedy recovery. Adele also promised to reschedule the postponed dates so that fans could enjoy her performances.

Although fans are disappointed by the delay, they hope that Adele will recover soon and return to the stage with her heavenly voice. We hope that she will take good care of herself, not to work too hard, and wait until she is fully recovered before returning to the stage. We hope that Adele will recover soon and continue to bring us beautiful music.

Pelosi Attends Human Rights Front Dinner, Hopes Transgender Will Feel Community Support

Pelosi attends Human Rights Battlefront

(Image source: yahoo sport)

Former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who came to Taiwan last year, joined the Human Rights Front Human Right Campaign (the largest LGBTQ lobbying group in the U.S.) last week and said in an interview that it is time to support the transgender community, especially underage transgender people. This statement may be in response to the recent shooting by a transgender gunman, which may have made the situation more difficult for transgender Americans.

Full interview

How to meet bisexual people


Are you interested in meeting other bi-sexual people? Whether you're looking for friendship or romance, there are several ways to connect with like-minded people.

Join a bi-sexual dating site or app

One of the easiest ways to meet other bisexuals is to join dating sites or apps that cater specifically to the bisexual community. Some popular options include.

Grindr: This application is particularly popular among bisexual men.

HER: A dating and community app designed by lesbians for lesbians.

Taimi: A platform that offers a range of services for bisexual men and bisexual women.

Participate in bisexual activities

Another way to meet other bisexuals is to attend events that are specifically geared towards the bisexual community. Look for local events such as parades, LGBTQ+ festivals and other gatherings where you can connect with other people who share your interests.

Join a bisexual group on social media

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter offer a variety of groups and pages dedicated to the bisexual community. Bi the Way is Taiwan's first bi-sexual civil society group, and they host monthly meetings for 20 people in many cities in Taiwan. You can sign up for meetups on their Facebook page.




At what age do girls know they are bisexual or lesbian?

young lesbians
young lesbians

It can be confusing for young girls to figure out their sexual orientation at any age, but it is especially difficult if you are a lesbian or bisexual girl in adolescence. As a result, many young lesbian women find themselves asking, "When did I know? When did I first realize that I was attracted to other girls rather than boys?" The answer to this question varies from person to person, and each person has a unique story to tell.

In this article, discuss the age range in which people come out as lesbian or bisexual; look at why it is difficult for some but easy for others; explore resources available today compared to previous generations; and discuss how best to support young LGBT friends or family members who are just realizing they are lesbian or bisexual.

At what age do young girls know their sexual orientation?

Many young girls who identify as bisexual or lesbian often become aware of their attraction and feelings during adolescence. Some girls may have always known they were attracted to both genders; for others, adolescents' sexual orientation may change over time.

Most young girls who are bisexual or lesbian will realize their attraction and feelings around the age of 12-13. However, coming out as LGBTQ+ is a personal decision and there is no specific age at which one must come out to the same sex. Everyone's experience of sexual identity is different, and they should not feel pressured to come out until they are ready.

In addition, it is important to note that gender identity, sexual orientation and romantic attraction are all separate parts of a person's identity.

It's normal for young girls to take time to learn about their sexuality and gender expression. Young people should not be forced to come out of the closet before they feel they are ready. They are the only ones who can decide when that time is.

If I have an erotic dream with a person of the same sex, am I a lesbian?

Experiencing sexuality and sexual fantasies does not necessarily mean that someone is lesbian or bisexual-it just means that they are exploring their sexuality and finding out what turns them on. Everyone has different sexual experiences; for some people, these experiences may include dreams of same-sex partners. If you're still trying to figure out who you are sexually, take all the time you need. You can safely explore your desires with trusted friends, family and professionals as needed. Ultimately, you can decide when you are sure you are lesbian or bisexual and come out to your loved ones.

What is sexual orientation?

Sexual orientation is a person's physical, emotional, and romantic attraction to people of the same sex, opposite sex, or multiple genders. It is important to note that sexual orientation and gender identity are two different things - a person's sexual orientation is who they are attracted to, while gender identity is how a person identifies themselves in terms of their gender.

Most people identify as heterosexual (attracted to the opposite sex), homosexual (attracted to the same sex), bisexual (attracted to multiple genders), or asexual (not attracted to any gender). It is important to note that everyone's sexual orientation can be different and someone does not need to label themselves in these categories.

How does it feel to be a lesbian or gay teenager?

For lesbian or gay teens, accepting their sexual orientation can be difficult and confusing. These teens may feel different from their peers, isolated, ashamed, scared or anxious. They may also feel pressure from family and friends to conform to heterosexual standards, which can lead to further confusion. These teens need to seek support from their peers, family, and even professional counselors.

Lesbian teens may feel ambivalent about expressing their sexuality openly because of fear of judgment or rejection. This fear is often exacerbated by the fact that many communities still have negative attitudes toward homosexuals. It is important to remind these teens that it is okay to be who they are and that there are people who will accept them.

Lesbian teens may also feel pressure from their families or peers to change their sexual orientation. These teens must remember that their sexual orientation cannot and should not be changed because it is a fundamental part of their identity.

How can I be sure I am a lesbian?

If you feel romantically or sexually attracted to women, then you are probably a lesbian. Likewise, if you are not attracted to the opposite sex, this is also strong evidence that you may be a lesbian.

When you may feel like a lesbian, don't worry too much about it - all sexual orientations are completely normal. Also, you may still be exploring your sexuality, and that's okay.

What should a lesbian say if she doesn't want to have children?

Whether or not you want to have children is entirely up to the individual. If a lesbian woman does not want children, then they can make that decision. And there are many other ways she can form meaningful relationships with other children, such as becoming an aunt or godmother.

It may also be helpful to discuss with him the reasons why she does not want to have children. If she decides to have children, she can always change her mind in the future.

Why would other kids say your teenage daughter is a lesbian, even though she's not?

Unfortunately, children can be very cruel and other children may use lesbian labels to insult people they don't like. Labeling someone as something they are not is hurtful and offensive.

Parents must talk to their teenage daughters about gender identity, sexuality and homophobia, in which case the best way to respond is to first address the person making the inappropriate comments and tell them that what they are saying is not OK. It is also important to acknowledge your daughter's feelings and ask her how she would like to handle the situation. Letting her know that you are there for her regardless of her sexual orientation will go a long way toward making her feel safer and more comfortable.

How do you talk to your teen about sex and lesbianism?

Ways to make conversations easier:

1. Be honest and straightforward - It is important to be honest with your teenager, even if it is difficult. Explain why you think it is important to discuss sex and your sexual orientation with them.

2. Listen - Let your teenager express their views and feelings without judgment. Listen carefully and try to understand their thoughts.

3. Respect boundaries - When discussing these topics, it is important to respect any boundaries or levels of comfort expressed by your teenager.

Provide accurate information - Make sure you provide your teen with reliable and accurate information about sex and sexual orientation. If necessary, you can also provide them with resources for further study.

Avoid making assumptions - When discussing these topics with your teen, it is important not to make assumptions or jump to conclusions. Let them speak openly and honestly about their experiences. By following these steps, you can make the conversation about sex and your sexual orientation easier for both of you. You can create a safe space to have an honest conversation with your teenager in an open way

How to determine if a straight man is bi-sexual?

questioning womon
questioning womon

If you have a crush on a man and you are curious about his sexual orientation, it may be difficult to determine without asking directly. However, there are some signs that may indicate he is bi-sexual. Here are some things to look for:

  • He feels comfortable with LGBTQ+ people and topics.
  • He has had sexual experiences with both men and women.
  • He says it appeals to both men and women.
  • He likes to watch or participate in sexual activities between men and women.
  • He has dated or been in relationships with both men and women.

Everyone's journey of self-discovery is different, and not all bisexuals exhibit these signs. In addition, it is important to respect the privacy of others and not make assumptions about their sexuality without their consent. In this article, we will explore a romantic connection with a bisexual man.

How to make a bi-sexual man like you?

Are you interested in a bi-sexual man, but not sure how to approach him? Trying to navigate the dating world can be intimidating, especially when dealing with someone who may have different preferences than you. But fear not, there are ways to increase your chances of getting a bisexual man to like you.

Respect for others

First and foremost, it is important to respect his sexual orientation. Don't try to change him or pressure him into doing something he doesn't like. Bisexuals often face double discrimination from both the heterosexual and LGBTQ+ communities.

Understanding his heart

Take the time to get to know him as a person. Ask questions about his or her interests, hobbies, and goals in life. Show genuine interest in what the person has to say and listen actively.


If you want to date him, say so directly. Don't beat around the bush or throw out vague hints. Invite him out on a date or tell him how you feel about him. Being straightforward will save you both time.

Be Yourself

Finally, be yourself! Don't try to pretend to be someone you're not just because you think it will make him like you more. Authenticity is attractive and will ultimately lead to a healthier relationship. By respecting him, getting to know him as a person, being direct, and being yourself, you will increase your chances of getting a bi-sexual person to like you.

How not to offend bi-sexual men

Dating a bisexual person can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, but it can also present a number of challenges. If you want to completely please your bisexual partner, there are a few things you should keep in mind

Acknowledge and accept his sexual orientation

The first step is to acknowledge and accept his or her sexual orientation. Bisexuals often face discrimination and neglect, so it's important to let your partner know that you see and accept them in all their aspects.

Honest Communication

Communication is key in any relationship, but it is especially important when dating bisexual men. Make sure you have an open and honest dialogue about your desires, boundaries and expectations. This will help ensure that both parties feel listened to and respected.

Experiment together

Bisexual men may have sexual preferences that are different from straight or gay men. Be open to exploring new things together and trying different types of intimacy. This can help deepen the bond between you and make sex more enjoyable for both of you.

Don't make assumptions

Just because your partner is attracted to multiple genders does not mean that they want an open relationship or that they are more likely to cheat. Avoid making assumptions about bisexual stereotypes or misconceptions.

Trust him

Trust is essential in any relationship, but it is especially important when dating a bisexual person. Trust that your partner loves and desires you, regardless of their attraction to the other gender.










Gay Dating Ideas - Taipei

gay couples
gay couples

Finding a fun and romantic dating idea can be tricky, especially if you're a gay couple. Here are four fun and romantic ideas for gay couples in Taipei

Watch the movie

Watching a movie is always a good choice for a date night, if it's a movie you both want to see. Recommend the Plum Blossom Cinema. It is less crowded. After the movie, you can stroll along Dunhua South Road or go to a nearby bar.

Cooking at home

While it's nice to go to a restaurant for dinner, sometimes it's better to stay home and cook together. Pick a recipe that you both love and spend some time preparing the meal together. Afterwards, enjoy your delicious meal in the comfort of your own home, without having to think about what others around you think.

Picnic in the park

Bring snacks and drinks (or just get take-out) and go to your favorite park for an afternoon picnic. Daan Park is a great place to spend time chatting while enjoying the nature, and if you want to talk for a long time, it's a great way to talk from late afternoon to late evening.

Explore new places

Exploring new places together is always exciting! Whether it's a new restaurant or an adventure further afield (like camping), there's nothing more exciting than exploring together. It will be a great memory later on.

2023 In the new store to be opened in Yulong City, there is the largest Eslite bookstore in Taiwan

Maokong Gondola

Elephant Hill Hiking