Study Finds Bisexual Activity Tripled in the U.S.


In recent years, awareness and acceptance of sexual orientation has changed dramatically around the world, and the United States is no exception. A study published in the Journal of Sex Research reveals a striking trend: the number of Americans who identify themselves as bisexual or report bisexual behavior has increased significantly in recent years. The study not only highlights the changing patterns of sexual orientation in American society, but also offers new insights into the recognition and acceptance of bisexuality.



The study used four measures based on sexual behavior and one measure based on identity. The researchers found that the proportion of respondents who had been in a bisexual couple since age 18 increased significantly over time, from 3.11 TP3T in 1989-1994 to 9.31 TP3T in 2012-2018.The increase in the number of respondents identifying as bisexual further confirmed this trend, more than doubling from the 2008-2010 wave to the 2012-2018 wave more than doubled.

The study also found that the proportion of bisexuals exceeded that of homosexuals in the most recent cohort, indicating the increasing visibility and recognition of bisexuality as a legitimate orientation. However, the study also pointed out the complexity of bisexual identities and behaviours, and that some people with both sexes do not necessarily identify themselves as bisexual, reflecting the nuances in the way sexual orientation is experienced and understood.

In addition, the study revealed demographic differences in reports of sexual orientation and behavior. Younger individuals and women were more likely to report two-sex couples and identify as bisexual than older individuals and men. This finding suggests a generational shift in attitudes toward sexuality, with younger generations showing greater openness and fluidity in sexual orientation and behavior.

In summary, this study, The Rise of Bisexuality: U.S. Representative Data Show Increases in Bisexual Identity and the Number of People Reporting Sexual Relationships with Women and Men Over Time, provides insight into changing patterns of sexual orientation in the United States. As society becomes more aware and accepting of sexual orientation, we look forward to future research that further explores the diversity and complexity of sexual orientation and promotes understanding and respect for all sexual identities.


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