Jason Mraz accepts his bisexuality.


In recent weeks, out singer-songwriter Jason Mraz and his dance partner Daniella Karagach have been in the spotlight after making a splash on the hit show Dancing with the Stars.Not only has Mraz, 46, showcased his talent on the dancefloor, but this year he was honored on the Out100 list, an annual recognition for the an annual recognition of the most influential people in the LGBTQ+ community.


瑪拉茲於2018年公開出櫃,當時他已與克里斯蒂娜·卡拉諾(Christina Carano)結婚多年。他透露,是卡拉諾幫助他開始接受自己的真實身份。不幸的是,兩人於今年夏天宣布離婚,這一決定促使瑪拉茲更加深入地了解自己。

"You want to heal as many past relationships as possible, and at the same time, get into this new acceptance and this new identity or whatever I'm claiming, and that's hard too." Marazzi says it's a huge recognition and joy for him to be on the Out 100 list. "It's as hot as the Billboard 100!" He joked.

Maraz also mentioned that being on Dancing with the Stars was an emotional journey for him, something he didn't anticipate beforehand. "You're looking in the mirror all day, and that's hard for anyone to accept that they're looking in the mirror." He shares that through dance, he learned to accept himself, a process that ultimately made him feel more confident.

Musically, Maraz has also engaged in a profound self-discovery. He admits that for the first 20 years of his career, he wrote almost exclusively as a heterosexual. "Growing up with homophobia, I felt like I needed to protect some secrets." But over time, his curiosity and experiences began to influence his music-making, pushing him to become a more honest, loving, and accepting person.

Mraz's latest album, Mystic Magic Rhythms Radical Ride, out now, is another milestone in his musical journey. From the dance floor to music, from personal exploration to coming out publicly, Jason Mraz's story has inspired many to be brave enough to be themselves and find true happiness in every step of their lives.


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