After 46 years, New Orleans gay serial killer freed.


For nearly half a century, Warren Harris Jr. spent most of his life in Angola, Louisiana, where in 1977, at the age of 16, he was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of three gay men. After serving 46 years, Harris was finally released on parole last week, a decision that has drawn widespread public attention.

根據《時代-皮卡尤恩》的報導,哈里斯在70年代末期殺害了傑克·薩維爾(Jack Savell)、阿爾登·德拉諾(Alden Delano) 和歐內斯特·波米爾(Ernest Pommier)。當局當時聲稱,哈里斯是一名性工作者,他在一段持續數週的海洛因狂歡期間與受害者發生了性關係後犯下了謀殺罪。報導稱,哈里斯「對同性戀者感到厭惡」。


A Louisiana law passed in 2017 made Harris' parole possible. The law allows those sentenced to life imprisonment as juveniles to be eligible for parole after serving 25 years of their sentence. This law was enacted following two U.S. Supreme Court rulings that determined it was unconstitutional to sentence juveniles to life without parole.

The Parole Board voted 2-1 to approve Harris' parole application. Board member Curtis Fremin Jr., who cast the deciding vote, said Harris did the best he could in prison despite committing a "very horrible crime. Board member Steve Pratt, who voted against Harris' release, said Harris still has to pay for what he did.

Harris completed his GED (equivalent to a high school diploma) while in prison and has not had any major disciplinary actions in the past seven years. He will undergo mandatory drug testing twice a month for the first six months after his release and will be under state supervision for the rest of his life.

Harris told the hearing that his years of incarceration left him with a deep sense of guilt that prompted him to pray to God for change. He said, "My prayers were answered. God has allowed me to reevaluate my life and set me on a positive path."

The victim's family did not attend the hearing or file a statement, and the New Orleans Police Department opposed Harris' release. The Orleans Parish District Attorney has not taken a position on the matter. Harris's parole is not only a turning point in his life, but it has also sparked a wide-ranging debate about the criminal justice system, juvenile delinquency, and the parole system.


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