Bisexual community is also part of the cool kids' community - Massachusetts Daily Collegian


Bisexual Identity: A Journey of Self-Discovery

在當今社會,雙性戀已成為許多年輕人,包括我自己,認同的標籤。根據2021年的蓋洛普民意調查,7.1%的受訪美國成年人認為自己是LGBTQ+。在那些認為自己不是異性戀的人中,有56.8%的人認為自己是雙性戀。這個群體中不乏著名的雙性戀名人和歷史人物,如沃爾特·惠特曼、奧斯卡·王爾德、馬爾科姆·X、弗雷迪·摩克瑞、比利·喬·阿姆斯特朗、Lady Gaga 和謝琳·伍德利等。




Since coming out of the closet, I have also been in a heterosexual relationship. I am in an exclusive, monogamous relationship with my boyfriend of six months, but he still recognizes and supports my bisexual identity. However, because of my relationship, I sometimes feel disconnected from the LGBTQ+ community and often wonder if I'm "not cool enough".

Biphobia is very real and just as real and valid as being bisexual. Bisexual phobia is the dislike of bisexuals, and it is more common than many people think. It is important to debunk common myths and misconceptions about bisexuality, such as that bisexuals are transphobic, that bisexuality is the same thing as pansexuality and polysexuality, that bisexuals are greedy, and so on.

Most importantly, we need to recognize that bisexuality is a real and valid identity, not a phase or non-existent. Bisexuals, male and female, are part of the LGBTQ+ community and deserve to be seen and heard. We need to amplify the voices of bisexuals and other cool people in a heterosexual-dominated society to debunk any myths or misconceptions that carry the label of bisexuality.

One of the most important lessons I've learned on this journey is to accept myself and to keep finding and embracing my true identity. Bisexuality is not only a part of my sexuality, it is a part of my identity and I am proud of it.


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