Why do homosexuals often have older brothers? Explore the correlation behind it.


In today's society, scientists are constantly exploring the science behind human behavior, and one fascinating area is the influence of family structure on an individual's sexual orientation. Recently, NPR launched a new series called The Science of Siblings, which delves into how our siblings affect our lives, from money and mental health to our molecular level.



最近的一項研究對超過 900 萬荷蘭人進行了分析,不僅證實了這一效應,而且還發現女性同性戀者也更有可能擁有哥哥。這一發現提示我們,可能存在某種生物機制,至少部分地解釈了這一現象。

Scientists have proposed the "maternal immunity hypothesis" to explain this phenomenon, which suggests that a mother's immune response to proteins produced by the Y-chromosome in a male fetus may influence the sexual orientation of the subsequent male fetus. Although this theory has not been conclusively proven, it offers a possible explanation.

However, this area of research has also raised some concerns and controversy. Justin Torres, author of the semi-autobiographical novel We the Animals, is wary of research linking sexual orientation to biological factors. He worries that it could reignite prejudice and discrimination against homosexuals, and cautions us to be wary of the intentions and potential consequences behind scientific research.

That said, this area of research is undoubtedly fascinating, challenging our understanding of the relationships between sexual orientation, family structure, and biology. As the Science of Siblings series unfolds further, we look forward to more discoveries and insights that will hopefully promote understanding and acceptance of the diversity of sexual orientation.

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