Heterosexual Students Decline: LGBTQ+ Trends at U.S. Ivy League Colleges (with charts) | Brown University Case | U.S. News Report - Watch What Happens in China - Overseas Chinese Follow U.S. Social News | Compiled by Xiao Ran

Nearly 40% of Ivy League students identify as LGBTQ+, heterosexuals may be in the minority

In today's society, the topics of gender identity and sexual orientation are gaining more and more attention, especially in the field of education. Recently, the results of a poll on students at Ivy League schools in the United States have aroused widespread discussion. According to the Brown University Daily Herald, nearly 40% of students identified themselves as LGBTQ+, almost triple the percentage in 2010. Not only is this figure much higher than the national average for adults, but it also prompts deeper reflection on current socio-cultural trends.

The survey revealed that the largest increase occurred among students who identified themselves as bisexual, with the proportion jumping by 2,32%, while the proportion of homosexuals also increased. This significant change has given rise to different interpretations and views. Some believe that it reflects a more open and accepting campus culture towards sexual diversity, while others attribute it to the so-called "social contagion".

Behind this, there are deeper cultural and ideological factors at work. The book The Devil is Ruling Our World points out that through destroying traditional education and promoting communist ideology, the evil spirits of communism are trying to sever the link between man and God and destroy mankind. The book mentions that American universities are dominated by leftist ideology, and students are indoctrinated with concepts such as atheism, evolution, and materialism, resulting in a lack of common sense and a sense of responsibility.

In traditional societies, sex and marriage are inseparable, but today's sex education has become delinked from marriage, violating traditional sexual morality. Public schools avoid teaching children that sexual behavior outside of marriage is immoral, and society no longer provides the necessary advice to young people. This has led to a general change in social morality, especially in the concept of sexuality.

This trend has triggered extensive discussions and reflections. On the one hand, the increased social acceptance of gender diversity reflects cultural progress and openness; but on the other hand, it may also reflect a deep-rooted cultural and moral crisis. In this era of increasing diversity, the question of how to maintain the moral and cultural values of the society while respecting individual choices has become a matter for deeper reflection.

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