Sarah Paulson Criticizes Actor's Behavior in Six-Page Memo

Sarah Paulson Blasts Actors for Sending Six-Page Notes

Actor-actor interactions in the entertainment industry are always filled with stories, and Sarah Paulson's recent experience shared on a podcast has undoubtedly revealed another side of the behind-the-scenes story. The actor, best known for American Horror Story, spoke with hosts Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, and Will Arnett on the Intelligent Less podcast about dramatic performances, as well as the common practice of celebrity viewers coming backstage to meet the show's stars.

During the discussion, Sarah mentioned a particular experience when she was performing in Tully's Folly on Off-Broadway and received a "special note" from a former cast member. That senior was Tracy Hawkins, who not only came backstage after Sarah's performance to give her opinion, but even sent a six-page e-mail a few days later filled with "advice" about Sarah's performance.

Sarah recalled in the podcast, "She looked me up and down and said, 'Your dress is yellow. Mine's pink.'" The comment confused Sarah, but what was even more shocking was the long email she received afterward. Sarah said, "I got a six-page email with notes and messages about what she did after she finished the play and what she suggested I do. It was outrageous. It was outrageous."

The experience undoubtedly made a lasting impression on Sarah, who confessed in the podcast, "I still haven't forgotten and I hope I never see you again." These words not only expressed her feelings about the unpleasant experience, but also indirectly reminded us all that we should be more careful and respectful when judging our peers.

It's worth noting that Sarah Paulson was nominated for a Tony Award last month for her stellar performance in the film Suitable, which is being hailed as one of the best performances on Broadway right now. This nomination not only recognizes her acting skills, but also adds a few more points to what is shared in this podcast.

What are the moral lessons of the story? Sometimes it's best to keep your ideas to yourself, especially in a highly subjective field like performing arts. Each artist's expression is unique, and respect and understanding should be the basis of mutual communication. Sarah Paulson's experience has certainly given us a lot of room for reflection.

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