Pope Francis to send blessing to LGBTQ+ community, but not their partnerships

Pope Francis takes a stand on LGBTQ+ blessing: pro-individual, anti-marriage

In a recent interview, Pope Francis' stance on the LGBTQ+ community has once again become the center of global attention. Describing homosexuality as a "human fact", he further clarified his supportive attitude towards LGBTQ+ individuals and his views on their union.

In an interview with CBS Evening News Anchor Nora O'Donnell, Pope Francis said he was willing to bless LGBTQ+ people, but did not support same-sex marriage and would not "bless labor unions". He explained that this is because same-sex unions are not sacraments, "I cannot. I can't. That's what the Lord did. But bless everyone, yes. The blessing is for everybody." This position has been widely debated, particularly in the Catholic and LGBTQ+ communities.

Pope Francis further elaborated on his view, noting that while blessing homosexual-type unions violates established rights and Church law, he still emphasized the importance of blessing everyone. This view received further support last December when he approved a ruling outlining that under certain conditions, same-sex couples can receive blessings from Roman Catholic priests, as long as those blessings are not given as part of a regular church service or similar to a marriage celebration.

Francis insisted that same-sex marriage is still not allowed within the Catholic Church. In an interview with Italian magazine Credere, he said, "I don't bless same-sex marriage. I bless two people who care about each other and I ask them to pray for me." This stance shows his care and respect for the individual while upholding the teachings of the Church.

In addition, last November, the Pope stated that transgender people could be baptized and serve as godparents or marriage witnesses under the same conditions as other adults. This development was hailed by GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis as an affirmation of LGBTQ+ and as sending a clear message to political and cultural leaders around the world to end the persecution and exclusion of transgender people.

These statements and actions by Pope Francis, while still maintaining traditional teachings in some respects, also demonstrate his emphasis on inclusivity and love. His stance has sparked widespread discussion within the Catholic Church and globally, and is important in promoting a more inclusive and understanding conversation about the LGBTQ+ community.

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