Virginia professor found dead in private gay sauna


Virginia professor who went missing during a conference in Florida was found dead in a men's sauna.

奧蘭多,佛羅裡達州 — 一名來自弗吉尼亞州的大學教授,在參加佛羅裡達州一次學術會議後失踪,最終在一家受歡迎的男士桑拿浴室內被發現死亡。

大衛·漢伯里(David Hanbury),37歲,是弗吉尼亞州丹維爾艾弗里特大學(Averett University)的一名心理學教授。他在參加東南心理學協會(Southeastern Psychological Association)的會議時失蹤。週六,他的遺體在奧蘭多的一家知名男士桑拿浴室內被發現,但執法部門尚未透露具體地點。目前,漢伯里的死因還未得到證實,但奧蘭多警方向《今日美國》表示,情況「看起來並不可疑」。

艾弗里特大學在其官方臉書頁面上發布了關於漢伯里去世的消息,稱讚他是一位“受人愛戴的教員”,並對周圍人產生了“持久的影響”。艾弗里特大學總裁蒂芙尼·弗蘭克斯(Tiffany Franks)表示:“我們懷著沉重的心情分享大衛·漢伯里博士去世的令人心碎的消息。我們代表整個艾弗里特社區,向漢伯里博士的家人、朋友和所有其他受到他影響的人表示哀悼和祈禱支持。”

In another Facebook post, Hanbury's brother, JJ, mentioned that his brother "wasn't the type of guy to go to parties" and didn't return phone calls or contact their mother during his disappearance, which began to worry the family.JJ said Hanbury would normally have been in frequent communication with his mother. "We're all struggling, it's so hard. I've never been through anything like this," he wrote. "I don't know what I would do without my youngest brother, who drives me crazy all the time, but my world would never be the same without him. He's only 37 years old and deserves to spend his life with me."

On Monday, a vigil was held on the lawn of the Averett Student Center for Hanbury. Franks wrote, "As we grieve as a family, we invite the campus and surrounding area to join us in prayer and support."

Hanbury's sudden passing not only brought profound grief to his family, friends, and the Averett University community, but also generated widespread concern and mourning in the academic community.


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