The end of my same-sex marriage made me whole again, but the process was the loneliest moment I've ever experienced.

How to Burn a Rainbow: Carl Dunn's Journey Exploring Gay Divorce and Self-Discovery

In today's society, the stories and experiences of the LGBTQ+ community are increasingly being scrutinized and discussed. Karl Dunn's new book, How to Burn a Rainbow, is a deeply personal account that explores themes of love, loss and self-discovery. More than just a story of divorce, the book is a profound reflection on the institution of marriage, self-love, and what it means to be part of the LGBTQ+ community.

How to Burn a Rainbow chronicles Dunn's journey from Los Angeles to Berlin, from wealth to poverty, from marriage to divorce. It is a story of personal identity crisis and a journey to find oneself and true happiness. Dunn's candid sharing of his experiences in this book raises an important question: why do LGBTQ+ people exist, and what is their role and meaning in society?

The release of this book not only provides a powerful voice for the LGBTQ+ community, but also an opportunity for everyone to rethink marriage, love, and self-identity. Dunn's story reminds us that true happiness and wholeness comes not from the approval of others or the expectations of society, but from knowing and accepting oneself.

How to Burn a Rainbow is available on Amazon as well as select bookstores in the US, UK and Europe. This book is an important read not only for supporters and members of the LGBTQ+ community, but also as an encouragement and inspiration for all who seek to understand and accept themselves.

Carl Dunn is an experienced advertising creative who has worked as a global advertising executive for some of the world's leading brands such as MINICooper, Levi's and ASICS. His award-winning career has taken him to Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. However, when faced with a turning point in his life, he chose to face his true feelings and share the experience with the world.

How to Burn a Rainbow is more than a book; it is a profound exploration of life, love, and self-identity. It encourages all of us to be brave enough to face ourselves and find our own rainbow.

Don't forget to share this story so that more people can learn about Carl Dunn's journey and his contributions to the LGBTQ+ community.

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