Surge in popularity of 'The Rest of the World' sparks debate over bisexuality in New Vegas


In today's age of digital entertainment, the line between TV shows and games is becoming increasingly blurred. The recent Radiant TV program based on a post-apocalyptic RPG series is a perfect example. The program not only successfully captured the essence of the game, but also created a popularity miracle by increasing the number of gamers.


具體來說,黑寡婦和女殺手的福利讓玩家在與異性NPC互動時獲得專屬的對話選項和10%的傷害提升。而《Cherchez La Femme》和《Confirmed Bachelor》則提供了相同的好處,但目標是相同性別的NPC。由於新維加斯中沒有非二元角色,選擇這些福利的玩家將對所有人類角色獲得10%的攻擊力提升。


No matter how you look at it, bisexuals do hold a unique kind of victory in New Vegas. So if you're new to the Ectoplasm series and want to play the most powerful character in this 2010 fan-favorite RPG, then you now know what to expect.

For those who want to delve deeper into the Fallout RPG series, our ranking of the "Best Fallout Games" is a great place to start. Whether you're a veteran or a newcomer, the series has a rich story and deep gameplay mechanics that are worth exploring.


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