Continuing to Eliminate Appreciation of Black Lesbian Character Barker's Bisexual Identity in '9-1-1'



In today's media environment, the presentation of cool characters and story lines is becoming increasingly popular and appreciated. This is a sign of progress, showing that society is becoming more aware of the diversity of genders and sexual orientations. However, this progress is sometimes accompanied by problems, especially when certain characters or story lines are ignored or marginalized. Recently, I have been particularly concerned about some of the discussions that have taken place on the show 9-1-1, especially regarding its treatment of the bisexual character Barker, and how this treatment may have inadvertently erased the show's black lesbian characters, Mother Hen and her wife.



This situation is a reflection of a broader problem in which the representation of cool characters in the media tends to focus on white characters while ignoring the presence and importance of ethnically cool characters of color. Not only does this deprive these characters of visibility, but it also deprives audiences of the opportunity to see a more diverse and well-rounded story of cool kids.

Of course, 9-1-1 is not the only episode with this problem, but it provides an opportunity for discussion and reflection. We should applaud the presentation of cool characters in the episode, but at the same time think critically about the ways in which they are presented and the inclusiveness and prejudice they can bring.

Before I end this post, I'd like to share some more exciting news. Bisexual actress Shay Mitchell is launching a travel show about drinks around the world; Saturday Night Live has produced a Jojo Siva sketch that Jojo himself found funny; and Devery Jacobs will be starring alongside bisexual Evan Rachel Wood in a cool cheerleading movie called Backspot. These are all testaments to the fact that the cool kid culture continues to grow and be seen in different areas.

Finally, we should continue to promote a more diverse and inclusive representation of Cool Kids stories in the media. This is not only for the sake of diversity within the Kool Kids community, but also for the sake of a more authentic and well-rounded view of the world for all viewers.


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